Tools you need :
1) Cheat Engine 5.5 or Here
2) Firefox
3) Flash Player 9 and 10
1) Go into Icy Tower.
2) Jump up to level 1.
3) Attach ce5.5 to browser, scan "1"
4) Jump up to level 2.
5) next scan "2"
6) Jump up to level 3.
7) next scan "3"
8) Go back to level 0
9) only 1 address will have a value "0"
10) Freeze that Address!
11) Jump to level 3 and start jumping on that level. You will see your combo increasing
12) Once you are satisfied with the combo, unfreeze the address
Note: The game will only save IF the final level you jumped is MORE THAN your combo. So don't make the combo too high if you cant reach that level. Remember!! GAME ONLY SAVES IF THE LEVEL YOU JUMPED IS HIGHER THAN YOUR COMBO
sorry I did not understand what it means to freeze the address! please help
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